Young Perps A teenage boy walks into a sex shop

on a dare, hoping to steal something and score some cred for his bravery. Instead, his criminal behavior is sniffed out and hes caught by the watchful loss prevention officer. He denies wrongdoing, but after a thorough search, the truth of his crime is quickly revealed. The young man is presented with a tough choice: suck off the officer or have the cops and his parents find out.

on a dare, hoping to steal something and score some cred for his bravery. Instead, his criminal behavior is sniffed out and hes caught by the watchful loss prevention officer. He denies wrongdoing, but after a thorough search, the truth of his crime is quickly revealed. The young man is presented with a tough choice: suck off the officer or have the cops and his parents find out.

Category: Uncategorized
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